Friday, December 11, 2009

Short Film Central Recognizes Tabloid Witch Award

Tabloid Witch Award winning filmmakers have a new reason to be pleased. This month, Short Film Central has added the Tabloid Witch Awards to its international database of recognized short film awards.

This brings further prestige and promotion to Tabloid Witch Award winning short films.

Tabloid Witch Award winning feature films should also benefit from the award's enhanced profile, despite their not being listed at Short Film Central. As the site's name implies, only short films are included in the database.

The Tabloid Witch Awards are an annual No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. Any horror film, feature or short, may compete, irrespective of the filmmaker's ability to pay.

Details on how to enter at

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanks to Our Gracious Hosts

I thank Loscon 36 for hosting the 2009 Tabloid Witch Awards screenings, and all the filmmakers and fans who attended.

Unlike most film festivals, the Tabloid Witch charges no entry fee to filmmakers, and no admission price to audiences. Thus, the budget is low, and the Tabloid Witch relies on gracious hosts who do not charge the Tabloid Witch for the use of their screening facilities.

Over the past six award years, the Tabloid Witch has held nine screenings. Three each at Loscon (2005, 2007, 2009), the World Horror Con (2005, 2008, 2009), and the Santa Monica Public Library (2006, 2007, 2008). Two were "Best of" screenings. And in 2007, a Premiere screening of winners at the SMPL was followed an Encore screening at Loscon 34.

Due to California's budget crisis and staff cutbacks at the SMPL, the library was unable to host a screening this year. The Tabloid Witch hopes to return there in future years.

Each year I consider charging entry fees, so as to rent a commercial theater. But I think part of the prestige of winning a Tabloid Witch Award, or even being an Official Selection, is that you don't pay to play. Any filmmaker can enter and compete, and be judged solely on their film's merit, however impoverished they may be.

Monday, October 19, 2009

2009 Winners Chosen

The 2009 Tabloid Witch Award winners have been chosen, and will be announced later this week at the

Thursday, April 23, 2009

2009 Film Entries So Far...

It's April, midway till our 2009 Tabloid Witch Award horror film winners are announced, in early October.

Here's the tally of entries so far:

5 feature films.

9 short films.

Film entries have been received from the United States, Canada, Ireland, Australia, and Spain.

April is when entries start to pick up. They really get going in August, and being flooding in September.

All entries must be received in our P.O. Box by September 30, and it seems that most filmmakers wait till the last minute.

For details on how to enter our NO ENTRY FEE horror film contest, see:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Miguel Gallego and Shawna Baca's continued success

Miguel Gallego and Shawna Baca will have their 2007 Tabloid Witch Award winning films screened at a Latin Horror film festival in New York City, on April 4, 2009.

Two Tabloid Witch winners in the same festival -- can we pick quality, or what?