Saturday, August 27, 2011

Slightly Extended Deadline -- Friday, September 2nd.

We've said that your horror film entry must be in our P.O. box by August 31st.

We're now extending that deadline until the morning of September 3rd. This is because we haven't time to check the Tabloid Witch P.O. box again until early next Saturday morning -- September 3, 2011.

Santa Monica's main post office opens at 6 a.m., and we'll have checked our P.O. box by 6:30 a.m. -- before Saturday's mail arrived. This means that, realistically, your film entry must be in the P.O. box by the close of Friday, September 2nd, to be assured of awards consideration.

Details on where to send your film entry:

98 Films So Far ...

As of August 27, 2011, the 2011 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 98 horror film entries: 84 shorts and 14 features. Entries have come from Hungary, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Australia, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, England, Scotland, Germany, Bahrain, Portugal, and the United States.

As every year, shorts outnumber features, making it the more competitive category. Also as in past years, submissions are flooding in during the final weeks. Many filmmakers wait till then to enter.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. To enter the 2011 awards, your DVD must be in our in-box by August 31, 2011 -- however, we're extending the deadline until September 2. Only two extra days, but still...


Saturday, August 20, 2011

90 Films So Far ...

As of August 20, 2011, the 2011 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 90 horror film entries: 76 shorts and 14 features. Entries have come from Hungary, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Australia, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, England, Scotland, Germany, Bahrain, Portugal, and the United States.

As every year, shorts outnumber features, making it the more competitive category. Also as in past years, submissions are flooding in during the final weeks. Many filmmakers wait till then to enter.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. To enter the 2011 awards, your DVD must be in our in-box by August 31, 2011.

We've set the 2011 entry deadline a month earlier that in previous years; the end of August instead of the end of September.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Hanelle Culpepper's Deadly Sibling Rivalry to Debut on Lifetime

Hanelle Culpepper's first feature film, Within, won a Best Horror Feature Film Tabloid Witch Award in 2009. A suspenseful, low-gore ghost film, Within aired on the Lifetime Network the following year.

Lifetime must have been pleased with the ratings, because today (August 15th) it will air Culpepper's second film,

Conrats to Culpepper on her continuing success!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

80 Films So Far ...

As of August 13, 2011, the 2011 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 80 horror film entries: 67 shorts and 13 features. Entries have come from Hungary, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Australia, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, England, Scotland, Germany, Bahrain, and the United States.

As every year, shorts far outnumber features, making it the more competitive category.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. To enter the 2011 awards, your DVD must be in our in-box by August 31, 2011.

Note that we've set the 2011 entry deadline a month earlier that in previous years; the end of August instead of the end of September.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

69 Films So Far ...

As of August 6, 2011, the 2011 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 69 horror film entries: 56 shorts and 13 features. Entries have come from Hungary, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Australia, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, England, Germany, Bahrain, and the United States.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. To enter the 2011 awards, your DVD must be in our in-box by August 31, 2011.

Note that we've set the 2011 entry deadline a month earlier that in previous years; the end of August instead of the end of September.
