Friday, September 30, 2011

Damon Packard Directs Revisting The Vistor

Underground filmmaker Damon Packard won a Best Avant-Garde Horror Short Film Tabloid Witch Award in 2008, for his Chemtrails: An Investigative Report.

Fans of Packard's other works also know that he often "borrows" the theme song from the 1979 Italian horror film, The Visitor. Packard's a big fan of that mondo-bizarro film.

His musical tastes seem to have caught someone's attention, because Packard has since directed (and edited) a short documentary on "the making of" The Visitor, entitled "Revisiting the Visitor. It's available on the newly restored DVD edition, which, despite what it says on Amazon, is a WIDESCREEN version! Plus it includes additional footage never before seen in the United States.

You can also view Packard's "Revisiting the Visitor" on YouTube (above).

Yes, the documentary opens with that awesomely bombastic score that Visitor fans have come to know and love.

As musical scores go, it's an unconventional choice for a film about demons and Armageddon, but then, The Visitor is an unconventional film.

And Packard is one unconventional filmmaker.

Congrats to Damon Packard on his continuing success!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

8th Annual Tabloid Witch Award Winners Announced!

The 8th annual Tabloid Witch Awards, sponsored by the Hollywood Investigator, have now been announced!

The Tabloid Witch Awards are a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival.

Read about this year's winning horror films in the Hollywood Investigator.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

3 Films So Far -- For 2012

Every year, several submissions arrive past deadline. These films are held over for the following year's awards consideration. Thus, although the 2011 winners have not yet been announced, we already have entries for 2012!

As of September 10, 2011, the 2012 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 3 short film entries. These entries have come from Denmark and Brazil.

The 2011 winners will first be announced at the Hollywood Investigator.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. Details:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Final Tally: 103 Horror Film Entries

As of September 3, 2011, the 2011 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 103 horror film entries: 89 shorts and 14 features. Entries have come from Hungary, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Australia, France, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, England, Scotland, Germany, Bahrain, Portugal, Brazil, and the United States.

The deadline is past as of now. This year's Tabloid Witch Awards is closed to new entires. Any film entries arriving from this point on will be considered for the 2012 Tabloid Witch Awards.

The 2011 winners will first be announced at the Hollywood Investigator.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. Details: