Monday, July 22, 2013

68 Horror Film Entries So Far ...

As of July 22, 2013, the 2013 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 68 horror film entries: 33 shorts and 35 features. Entries have come from Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Estonia, France, Ireland, Israel, Singapore, Spain, and the United States.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. To enter the 2013 awards, your DVD must be in our in-box by August 31, 2013.


Monday, July 15, 2013

65 Horror Film Entries So Far ...

As of July 15, 2013, the 2013 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 65 horror film entries: 30 shorts and 35 features. Entries have come from Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Estonia, France, Ireland, Israel, Singapore, Spain, and the United States.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is a No Entry Fee horror film contest and festival. To enter the 2013 awards, your DVD must be in our in-box by August 31, 2013.
