As of July 29, the 2014 Tabloid Witch Awards has received 110 film
entries: 89 shorts and 21 features. Entries have come from Albania, Australia,
Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Columbia, England, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland,
Israel, Italy, Japan, Lebanon, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, and the United
We also received 4 TV script submissions, all from the same person. This is odd, because the we have no script contest.
To enter the Tabloid Witch Awards horror film contest, we must have your entry by August 31, 2014.
We also received 4 TV script submissions, all from the same person. This is odd, because the we have no script contest.
To enter the Tabloid Witch Awards horror film contest, we must have your entry by August 31, 2014.