Thursday, January 26, 2012

Erasmo Romero III -- Continued Success for a Great Artist

A late post, but still worth noting.

Last Christmas (nearly a month ago!), Erasmo Romero III sent out his latest graphic work, entitled "The Santa," to wish Merry Christmas to all his friends.

This beautiful work of "horror art" both demonstrates Romero's creative talents -- and why his Skin Deep won a Tabloid Witch Award for Best Short Comedic Horror Film in 2007.

Amazingly, Romero was a mere film student when he shot Skin Deep -- an undergraduate film student!

Despite the tough economy, and the exodus of film production from Los Angeles, Romero's portfolio, upon graduating film school, was so impressive that he soon found employment in San Diego at Legend 3D.

The Tabloid Witch Awards is proud to have provided the premiere screening for Skin Deep.

In case you haven't seen it, here it is again:

And here is Erasmo Romero III in 2007, which his Tabloid Witch Award for the above film.

Skin Deep also won Tabloid Witches for Best Actor (James Rollyson) and Best Music Soundtrack (Joseph Y. Kamiya).

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