Tuesday, September 1, 2015

103 Horror Film Entries for 2015

As of September 1, 2015, the Tabloid Witch has received 103 horror films for 2015 awards consideration: 17 features and 86 shorts. Entries have come from Argentina, Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Columbia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Ireland, Italy, Kuwait, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The deadline for 2015 awards consideration was August 31, 2015, which day has now passed. Any films received henceforth will be held for 2016 awards consideration.

Winners for 2015 will be announced on the Hollywood Investigator most likely sometime in September, but no later than October 1, 2015.

Details on how to submit your horror film for 2016 awards consideration at: TabloidWitch.com.


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